
I am a French teacher-turned-writer who has a passion to share my knowledge of French language and culture with children and adults alike. It is my hope that you will find this blog both fun and interesting.

This blog will give you a sneak peek into my novel, The Suitcase Adventures- Paris: Behind the Peacock Gate, as well as providing a mélange of fun cultural and historical information about French. I will be pulling back the curtain to the main character Brianna’s adventure in Paris as I share recipes of the French food she eats, snippets about the posters of French artwork she has on the walls in her bedroom, French words and expressions she learns and uses, and tidbits of French history she discovers during her week-long visit at her grandmother’s hotel - L’Hôtel de la Paix, near the Galeries Lafayette. I will be sending out free culture puzzles and mini-French lessons as well, so sign up for my emails to get on my mailing list.

The Galeries Lafayette is the large department store pictured above. It is located in the 9th “arrondissement”, one of the most elegant “neighborhoods” in Paris. The Galeries Lafayette is 120 years old and has a beautiful stained-glass dome. The open architecture lets you see from one floor to another. In The Suitcase Adventures, Brianna sees the “Man with the Grey Silk Scarf” here for the first time.

The Galeries Lafayette holds a special place in my heart. When I took my students to Paris, I would always visit the Galeries Lafayette to buy our children a French outfit and then I’d go to the souvenir department to buy a Paris ornament for our Christmas tree. The last time I was there I bought a new outfit for our first grandchild. We didn’t know if it would be a boy or a girl, so I bought an outfit for each! It turns out our grandchild was a boy, and he was so adorable in his Catimini ensemble.

If you’re in Paris, the Galeries Lafayette is a great place to stop and view beautiful clothes, grab a bite to eat at one of the restaurants, or even see a 30-minute fashion show on the 4th floor on Mondays and Fridays. You can purchase tickets online. If you’re interested in looking at the latest French clothing, you can click on the link below. Here are a few vocabulary words to help you understand the website: Nouveautés= new designs, Vêtements=clothing, Enfants=children, Filles= girls, Garçons= boys, Femmes=women, Hommes=men, Chaussures=shoes.

Et voilà! There you have it - your first mini-French lesson. Hope you visit again, and don’t forget to sign up below to get on my email list to receive notifications of the next post and to receive the free culture sheets.

Merci et À bientôt!


Cindy Anderson